

Summit Research Foundation was officially notarized on Dec. 22, 2022.

The foundation aims to:

  1. Raising funds for independent dental research.
  2. The performance of all further actions, which are related to the above in the broadest sense or may be conducive to it.

The foundation seeks to achieve its purpose by, among other things:

  • providing information
  • providing publications
  • providing courses
  • holding lectures and talks
  • organizing seminars, symposia, excursions, trips, exhibitions and similar events

The foundation has a board of directors and is not for profit. Board members and researchers receive no remuneration for their work. Funds obtained are largely spent on purchasing equipment for research.


The Summit Research Foundation board has 3 board members appointed for an indefinite term.

Chairman: Dr. Marco Gresnigt
Treasurer: dr. Jappe Buijs
Secretary: mr. Stephan van der Made

Contact details

Address: Tormentillaan 2, 9413 AW Beilen
Phone number: 06-47494611

Other data

Chamber of Commerce number: 88571513
RSIN number: 864696620
Summit Research has ANBI status. Read more via this link.

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